
セール! 天日乾燥 無洗米 雪若丸5㎏ + 天日乾燥 無洗米 つや姫5kg 計10kg セット 令和5年産 山形おきたま川西産 Sale! Sundrying rice Yukiwakamaru 5kg + Sundrying rice Tuyahime 5kg, total 10kg set. Produced in 2023 in okitama-kawanishi town, Yamagata.

¥6,880 税込




TMFGふるさとショッピング一押しの天日乾燥 雪若丸と天日乾燥 つや姫のセットです。

(1)令和5年産米 山形県川西町産 無洗米 雪若丸5㎏

(2)令和5年度 山形県川西産 無洗米 つや姫5㎏です。つや姫は山形県で一番おいしいお米です。全国でも有数の知名度です。豊潤でどんな具材にでも合う華やかなお米です。無洗米精米、石ぬきを行っています。

※ 稲自体の力を引き出し、土づくりからの農業を目指しています。特に、田植え後1,2週間以内に、浅水にして株を大きく育てます。疎植で風通し良く大きく育てた稲は陽光で大きく育ちます。






This is TMFG's recommended "Sun drying Yuki Waka Maru and Tsuyahime Set" from our hometown shopping selection. The price has also been reduced.

(1) It is a 5kg bag of "Yukiwakamaru" rice, produced in Kawaniishi-town, Yamagata Prefecture, in the 5th year of Reiwa era. This rice has a unique texture and sweetness that can be felt even when it's cold. It tastes delicious even when it's cold! Please take this opportunity to try Yamagata's new rice, "Yukiwakamaru".

(2) The 5kg bag of "Tsuyahime" rice, produced in Kawaniishi, Yamagata Prefecture in the 5th year of Reiwa era, is also available. Tsuyahime is the most delicious rice produced in Yamagata Prefecture, and it is used all over the country. It is a soft rice that goes well with any ingredients. It is a non-wash rice that has been dehulled and de-stoned.

※ We aim to bring out the power of the rice plant itself and pursue agriculture from soil preparation. Especially within 1-2 weeks after planting, we keep the water level shallow to grow large plants. By growing the rice plants with good air circulation through sparse planting, they grow bigger under the sunlight.

For soil preparation, we spread bacterial materials to purify the environment and create a paddy field where many creatures can thrive. We are committed to cultivation while valuing daily efforts to achieve the highest quality.

"I received a review.
The new rice is incredibly delicious." - M-san

"I cooked the new rice. The shiny new rice was chewy and delicious, even when it was cold. The first time I cooked it, it was a little soft, so this morning I used a little less water. I packed it into my bento box and brought it to work." from O

"Just now, I ate the new rice 'plain.' Honestly, it's been years since I've said 'this is delicious!' But personally, I feel that the slightly larger, plump and soft texture, and moderate sweetness are the characteristics. They also have other special cultivated rice such as Tsuya-hime and Yukiwakamaru, which are Yamagata's pride. Please feel free to inquire."  from K
They have a variety of Yamagata's proud rice such as specially cultivated rice "Haenuki" and "Yukiwakmaru" Please contact us if you are interested. from TMFG.

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¥6,880 税込

